Legitimate ways to make extra money online are everywhere. Companies are outsourcing work at a higher rate than ever before in an attempt to reduce overhead and insurance costs. In lieu of hiring full time employees, a company may choose a freelancer for a one time gig or ongoing gig, depending on the work available. After searching these sites you should find many possibilities. The next step is choosing the gigs that will pay you.
Sites like Elance and ODesk make it easier by pre-qualifying candidates and having buyers put up a credit card for automatic payment. Choosing safe sites that take care of the freelancer make it easier to make money online and get paid. The most legitimate ways to make extra money online are those where you actually speak to the person hiring and get some money up front. Paypal is a great resource to receive payment in a safe way. Get half upfront to your paypal account before beginning work. Speak to the person hiring you on the phone to get a feel for what they want and what they expect so you can deliver great results. Remember to be timely and to produce quality work. You will want to get positive feedback on some of these sites to get more work. You can quickly build up a great database of clients from positive feedback you receive in addition to those clients coming back as return gigs.
The most popular legitimate ways to make extra money online are writing, graphic design, marketing, sales, PR, administrative and finance. With a computer and high speed Internet, a phone and possibly a printer, you can make some good money online. Get organized and track all jobs to determine what you should be paid, by whom, date to submit work, date to be paid, and when paid. This will help you to keep track of all your gigs. You are your own boss and your own assistant.
Other legitimate ways to make money online involve posting your own ad on classified sits such as CraigsList. Offer your services with a price quote and see what you get in return. Both ways should yield you a full time salary if you put your mind to it. In the last depression, people didn’t have the convenience of the Internet to help them get by when jobs where scarce. Use what you have available to you to do what you need to do to bring in the bucks.
If you are looking for Legitimate Ways to Make Extra Money Online, take a look at GDI Global Domain International Business opportunity to see what they can do for you. GDI is one of the legitimate ways to make extra money on the Internet today.