The Internet has expanded our world, making it possible for people network, reconnect and actually make a full time living or extra money online. With today’s job situation and lack there of, it is beneficial to learn the legitimate ways to make extra money online. Classified sites like Craiglist and social networking sites such as FaceBook, MySpace and LinkedIn are great avenues to explore. Craigslist online classified site can help you find work in any city in the categories such as writing, marketing, sales, graphic design, computer IT and more. Companies are looking for those with a home office and the ability to work from home on gigs that can include administrative work, financing and many other fields. There are companies looking for those seeking long-term work and those looking for one-time gigs. You can either juggle multiple clients or work with just one. These are great legitimate ways to earn extra money online and in your spare time.
Being able to sell your skills and market yourself comes in handy on the web. There are many people competing for the same gigs, so displaying yourself in your best light helps ensure you get your fair shot at the gigs. Joining sites such as ODesk or Elance are a few companies that help you with legitimate ways to earn money online. Employers to leave feedback scores and you also have the ability to take skills tests to show what you excel in. Doing quality work with gain you more positive points and the higher your score the more chance another employer will choose you for the gig. Always make sure to be prompt with your work, deliver one time, set expectations and deliver quality work.
Using social networking sites like LinkedIn, FaceBook and MySpace can help you network with like-minded individuals to find even more work. A solid LinkedIn connection base can keep you very busy. Post your skills, look at openings at companies, use referrals. It’s all about networking. We have come so fat since the days of actually having to attend parties and networking events to make connections. Now all you need is a good couple of networking sites that will do the work for you with finding legitimate ways to earn extra money online.
Full time job these days are just not enough to make ends meet. Having some extra cash comes in handy and is relatively easy to make once you know how. Use of the internet makes it possible to increase your take home pay. The best investment you can make is to learn how legitimate ways to make money online.
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